Muscle Growth Female

Muscle growth for femal is to achieve,

on average, it can be said that two to three training sessions per week 
are necessary if you want to build your muscles optimally. Especially 
for beginners, it is best to do an effective full-body workout that 
targets as many or large muscle groups as possible.
The optimal diet for building muscle contains healthy carbohydrates, 
low-fat dairy products, lots of proteins and unsaturated fats. 
Lean meat, protein-rich eggs, fatty fish, cottage cheese, oatmeal, soy, 
nuts, amino acids, etc. are among other important meals for muscle growth.

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To make it clear that as a woman you cannot build as much muscle as your male 
training colleagues, the statistic is often cited that females have approximately 
15 times lower testosterone levels than men. So the usual recommendation in
today's fitness world is that women should train the same as men, but shouldn't 
expect as much muscle gain.
In fact, it is 100 percent. Women can gain muscle growth the same percentage of 
muscle as a result of strength training as men and may even gain slightly more 
strength. The only difference is the starting point. Although men generally start 
with more muscle mass and strength, the relative increase in muscle mass is 
the same for women and men.
Women have a higher body fat percentage for genetic reasons. Women have 
around twelve percent essential body fat to regulate their hormones, 
whereas men only have three percent.People have lower expectations of 
women, even though most women themselves underestimate what they can 
achieve compared to men. In one well-known study, people were simply 
told that they had been given steroids and their strength increased 
by 321 percent. These were advanced lifters who could squat and bench 
press over 300 pounds before they got the fake steroids. Furthermore, 
the specified protocol only included 70 milligrams of Dianabol per week. 
If this dosage were given to advanced athletes in the form of real Dianabol, 
strength would only increase by a few percent.
There are more men in sports. At the elite level, the selection right up 
to the top is stronger. Elite male athletes are probably the best the 
human species has to offer. On the women's side, there may be more potential 
world record holders, but they don't know it because they aren't trying.

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What about testosterone?

Within an individual person, more testosterone means more muscle mass, there 
is littl doubt about that. However, this relationship becomes weaker between 
the sexes. In their study of elite athletes, Healy and colleagues concluded 
that “differences in lean body mass are sufficient to explain the observed 
differences in strength and aerobic performance without suggesting that 
performance is in any way dictated by testosterone levels.” becomes.

How can that be? Testosterone works differently in men and women. 
Through animal studies, we have a good understanding of why the hormone is 
not necessary for women to build muscle. It seems as if growth factors such 
as IGF-1 and HGH take over the anabolic role that testosterone has in men. 
Growth factors are more important for strength and muscle mass in women 
than in men.

Since women have just as much IGF-1 as men and women produce about three 
times as much growth hormone, this partly explains why less testosterone 
does not determine how much muscle a woman can build. To make things a 
little more complicated, sex hormones and growth factors interact with 
each other, and all of these hormones also interact with your genes.

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Women who ultimately take a serious approach, despite the stigma, 
often train like men, but this does not correspond to their 
physiological strengths. Since women produce much more estrogen than men, 
they benefit from some advantages over their counterparts in the gym. 
Women fatigue less than men and recover more quickly from exercise. There 
are many other important differences between men and women in terms of 
physiology, metabolism, anatomy and neurology.

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  1. I did not know, that increase in muscle mass is

    the same for women and men.

  2. for muscle growth female or male, first off, DETOX! Time to flush out toxins! ...
    Increase you protein intake. According to ACSM.

  3. thank you, intresting post keep it up :)

  4. what helps me a lot to boost my strength during training heavy weight lifting is amino acid tablets


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